
All About Bearded Dragons

With a new year ahead of us, and another year behind, we have learned a lot, and done a lot. Last year we crossed all of our Translucent Dragons back in to our colorful lines, and this year we are going to reap the benefits. The benefit will also come in the form of intimate knowledge of the bloodlines vs. ambiguity dealing with what another breeder produced.
Some of the projects for this year will be listed and described below.

Please read thru what we have planned for the upcoming breeder year, and feel free to contact us with questions or comments.

We are affiliated with Bearded Dragon Guru, so you can contact us or our partners there . This year we are breeding with the reddest most saturated breeders to date, and it’s the culmination of a 3 year project to produce the reddest Dragon on Earth!! Think we might accomplish our goal!

(M)- Cawley/Crimson: Produced in 2011 from a True Fire Cawley and a Crimson red Dragon we purchased from Tamara at Rainbow Dragons. He is long and an orange/pink color, with a very colorful beard and bright yellow head. These Dragons have extra long tails, and seem to hold pattern. With lots of lavender barring, he should produce some amazing babies.

(F)- True Blood: One of my deep red bloods that I produced in 2011. She has a dark red beard and is holding pattern. Solid Dragon with a short snout, this line just gets redder and redder! This cross should produce BloodTigers, and the saturation should be from tip to tip!!

(F)- Belgium/Blood/Sandfire/Cawley: One of my burgundy red Sandfire crossed females. She is a lot like her mother, “Pignot”, and is holding pattern, and almost black or purple red in person. I am going for a saturated, deep dark red Sandfire/Cawley’s.

(M)”Plasma” Belgium/Blood/Sandfire/Blood: This is the reddest Dragon that I own, as far as depth of color, and saturation. His head is dark red, not yellow/orange, and he is a true blood. Produced in 2011 from an epic cross of bloods, he is one of my most prized male breeders. This year I am going to try to perfect the BloodTigers, and this is the male I am going to use.

(F)”Pignot” Sandfire/Cawley: This is the deepest, darkest, Cawley female that I own or have produced. She really passes her burgundy red on well to her offspring, and this will be her 3rd different mate. I know her bloodline very well, and this could be one of my most epic crosses to date. The depth of dark red that we produce with this cross could be record breaking!!

(F)”Flora” Sandfire/Cawley: This is one of three sisters that we are crossing in to “Plasma”, and unlike “Pignot”, she is more of a true Cawley. With a bright yellow/orange head, and a body that goes from yellow to orange, she passes on that signature Cawley FIRE! If the “Pignot’s” babies are going to be Dark, “Flora’s” will be fiery!! Should get a mix of BloodTigers and FireTigers from her.

(F)”Bindy” Sandfire/Cawley: This is probably the stoutest female I own, and she is not that bright, but as a baby she was epic. Unfortunately the Cawley line can sometimes go bronze or even fade, and she is carrying that bronze r. I am hoping to cancel this trait out by crossing her in to “Plasma” who is deep dark blood red. This is an endeavor in saturation, and time will tell how we did.

(M)”Magma” Belgium/Blood/Sandfire/Cawley: If there is such thing as a true Sandfire, “Magma” is it. When Bob Maillioux from Sandfire Dragon ranch came up with the name so many years ago, this animal must have been what he intended to produce. He is pattern less and completely saturated in a fiery red! If I was going to enter a Dragon in to a red competition, this would be my guy! Coming from a long lineage of Sandfire/Cawley’s, he could be the poster Dragon of the trait.

(F)”Tropicana” RedHypoRed/O.G.G./Cawley/Sandfire: This is one of the few Dragons I held back from 2010, and she is what many used to refer to as a true Cawley. With an orange head, and an orange/red overtone, she has held pattern. This is one of “Flora’s” babies from 2010, and her father was retired in 2011. Her bloodlines suggest she should be carrying lots of fire, and “Magma” will surely breed that out of her. True FireTigers should be produced here!!

(F)”Rio Red”: Produced by Cheryl and Jessica of Rio Reptiles, this red female is totally different to what I shoot for. She has a very deep red head, more of a brick color, and her saturation isn’t the same as my Cawley/Sandfire lines. Having said that, this is new blood, and I am excited to see what this cross will produce. Putting her to “Magma” should saturate her out, and the exciting part is you never know……! Could hatch an Albino.

(M)”Ceasar” HypoTranslucent Italian Leatherback: What can I say about “Ceasar” other than he is an amazing specimen! Large, clear, and very smooth, he is a great representation of the Morph. I am hoping to use him to produce some colorful hypotranslucents this year. From the Josh D. green translucent line, he has a short snout, and his brother is Mr. Blue eyes……

(F)Double heterozygous BloodTiger: One of 2011 BloodTigers, this female is finally large enough to breed, and should redden up my hypotranslucent lines. Her lineage is direct from Bob at Sandfire, she is from the American Blood, bloodline. This cross is one of educated genetics, and I should hatch out some very red translucent leathers.

(F)FireCawley/Sandfire/GreyTiger Translucent leatherback: One of “Bindy’s” babies from 2011, this line was produced for the soul purpose of creating firecawley translucents. Another excercise in educated genetics, the goal is injecting color in to the translucent line. Should be an epic cross!!

(M)Sandfire/Cawley/HypoTranslucent: This is my Blue Dragon. Saturated in lavender, this male is so unique when he fires up. Trying to explore the lavender in these Dragons, and this is the male that I am doing it with. I have a few females that I am going to cross him in to, and we are hoping to create some polar hypotranslucents with one of them.

(F)Josh D. Double heterozygous Italian Leatherback: When I purchased this female back in 2009, leathers were just becoming affordable. Sold as a het. hypo., she turned out to be a double het. and I am going to cross her in to a hypo. het. translucent male. This is how the paradox Dragons have been produced, and not that that is my goal, it would be nice.

(F)RedHypoRed/White Cawley: This female is a grey/blue hue, and the mission with this cross is to explore the lavender trait. In the past, the blue color has either faded, or gone dark. I am hoping to purify the trait, and create a blue line. This is an experimental cross, and one that I am very excited to see the results of.

This is a small example of some of the projects that we are working on in 2013. There are many more projects in the works than I have the time or space to describe. We are working with another breeder to produce Blood Dunners, as well as Hypo. Dunners and Leather Dunners. I am also working on some Top Secret projects, that if pan out, will change the landscape forever!! Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns, and thanks for all of your support! Help us make 2013 the best year yet!!